Manthan Shah
Wealth Specialist
Managing Partner
Wish Worth Wealth
Manthan Shah advocates rational investing and firmly believes in bespoke portfolio design. He preaches the ultimate aim of Financial Freedom.
Here are some media publications of/regarding Manthan Shah:
- Business Insider: https://bit.ly/maart1
- MoneyControl.com: https://bit.ly/mcarticle2
- MoneyControl.com: https://bit.ly/wwwmcarticle
- Wise Advice: https://bit.ly/wiseadvice19
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Our Services

Portfolio Management Services
PMS offers a higher degree of risk and thus enables us to generate a higher level of returns. It is also a must-visit option for unmanaged or Buy-&-Hold stock portfolios. At WWW, we have partnered with some of the best fund managers across India who have a high AUM and a long history.

Alternative Investment Funds
AIF is the ultimate tool for HNIs / Ultra HNIs. It enables investments into otherwise inaccessible instruments like Long-Short Products, Absolute Returns, Start-up Funding & Pre-IPO Investing, Distressed Assets Lending & Debt Re-Structuring, International Investing, etc. At WWW, AIFs are used as the ultimate Diversification & Return Generation Tool.

Loan Against Securities
If you need some capital for temporary circumstances, then it is unwise sell your Mutual Funds or Shares. At WWW, we protect investors from losing gains by staying out of the market and from attracting Exit Loads and Capital Gains Tax, We provide a quick 15-minute set-up to get Loan Against Mutual Funds or Shares with disbursal within 1 hour.